Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sleeping Beauty.

Caden left my house last night at 12:30.
Before he even got home, I had fallen asleep.

Slept until 11:00am and woke up to a phone call from Caden.
Fell back asleep until another phone call from Caden at 12:30.

Woke up and made a sandwich, played on my iPod. 
Caden came over.

Took a nap with Caden until 3:30.

Here is the dilemma:  Now it's 4:00.  Do I shower and "get ready for the day"  or do I lounge for another 6 hours until it's time for bed again?   

What a rough life.

1 comment:

Caden said...

Definitely lounge it up babe:)