Saturday, October 15, 2011


My whole life has been like a desert, and I was trapped somewhere in the middle.   I knew that I was looking for water, but I wasn't exactly sure how to find it.  So I just kept walking and walking, hoping I'd stumble across it.   Never giving up and constantly moving forward, because I knew that stalling would cause me to collapse, I just kept walking in hopes of stumbling across some desperately needed water. 

And now, I've reached a point where I know where the water is.  I see it in plain view and, if water had a smell, I can definitely smell it.   It's making my mouth water and it's making me fill with anticipation.
But, as much as I want to, I know that I can't run for this water.   I have to patiently walk towards it, hoping not to tire out before I get there.   I know that I can't sprint and I know that I can't hurry.   I have to go slow, pace myself, and in due time, I'll get there
So, patiently I wait.
And patiently I walk.
...and eventually I'll make it.
But man, oh man.
 I sure am T H I R S T Y.

1 comment:

Nik said...

i love your little metaphors. honestly, you are so clever!