Monday, October 24, 2011

Printing. Not Studying. and Naked Girls Dancing.

Goal for the week: blog daily.
That might be a little excessive, but really, I need to blog more.

First, speaking of blogging, I talked to my coworker.   She told me how to print my blog.   That's super exciting news, because I don't feel like I need the past 2 years of my life on my blog any longer.  But, I don't really want to delete it either.   S O L U T I O N.     Exciting.

Second, 44 days until I graduate and I'm counting the days.  It can not possibly come soon enough.   Studying has been the worst lately.  It began as studying daily, and studying ahead of time.  Then, it decreased to studying just a few days before the test,  a chapter at a time.  Then, it came down to cramming the night before the test and studying the most important information.  Now, I'm close to resorting to not studying at all and just rolling with what I absorbed in the 6 hours of lecture.  Next week, it might be as bad as not going to class ever.   And the week after that it might be not even taking the test at all.    Words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.  Heaven knows I need it.

Last, as I blog in the community library, the girl across from me is watching music videos.  She's maybe 7 and she's watching some rapper guy dance around women in swim suits and shaking their thang.   Makes me scared to have children.   Also, makes me realize that I'm turning into an old woman instead of a young hip teenager.

Ohhhh dear.

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