Monday, November 7, 2011

Days of Gratitude: Day Five, Six and Seven.

Oopsie.  I got a little behind.
How did three days pass without my noticing? Time goes quick.

1. I'm grateful for Nursing School.  I know I complain about it often and I whine about it.  I say that "it's dreadful" often and I complain that it's just way too much information and I'm going to quit the very next day.  However, I really am grateful for Nursing School.  I've learned a LOT of helpful information in a short amount of time.  Information that will be good for my children, my husband, my family.  Information good for neighbors, people and friends in my ward, and knowledge of good health.  My career choice will benefit me for my entire life and it's information that not only benefits me, but everyone that I know.   Plus, my nursing class is wicked awesome and I am super grateful I got into the program with the people that I did.  I seriously lucked out.

2. I'm grateful for my phone/computer.  Last night when Caden and I were watching Amazing Race ((love that show)), the racers were in Africa.  The Africans were walking around the streets with no shoes, no shirts, and carrying baskets on their head.  Their method of transportation was a bull and their food of choice was rotten fish.   And here I am complaining that my 3G internet on my phone isn't fast enough to search pinterest.  Uhhh, reality check. 

3. I'm super grateful for my sisters.  Both of them.   Some people don't have any sisters, and I have TWO.  Double the lucky.   Biggest sister, Candie,  keeps me laughing all day.  She's ditsy and silly and says the darndest things.  She has a heart of gold and would do absolutely anything to help me out. She knows how to throw a party and she makes friends everywhere we go.  She gets VIP to all the best clubs, she knows how to work all the bouncers into free stuff, and she always gets her way.   She's such a fun person to be around and always bubbily and laughing.   Sister two, Cassie, couldn't be more opposite than biggest sister.  Cassie is a tomboy all around.  She builds things, creates things, plants things, makes things, and fixes things.  She's rough and tough and super strong.  She fishes, she hikes, she bikes, she plays catch, she camps, she builds fires, and she's a police woman.   She, too, has a heart of gold and always has the best advice when I'm in a bind.  She calms all my fears and she looks out for me like big sisters do.   Both sisters are my best of friends and I absolutely love to spend time with them.  I still get excited to see them.  I still look forward to the holidays just to spend time with them.  And I still miss them when they are gone.   My sisters are the best sisters I could ever ask for.  And I feel a little guilty that I got two of them.

1 comment:

Nik said...

you lucked out in the sister department too! i've got 3 and 3 in laws and don't feel a click with ANY of them. :/