Friday, August 7, 2009

Big Thanks.

I read about, hear songs about, read poems about, see stories about those terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad days.
I hear about the terrible heart breaks, the days you just can't get out of bed, the days when you wish you could just disappear. I've heard about intense pain,
extreme hurt, gut-turning discomfort.
And you know what, I can not ever remember a time in my life when any of these things have happened to me. And I count my lucky stars. Of course, I've had bad days, and days where all I do is cry. I've had days where I just want to lay in my mom's arms and tell me everything will be okay. But in all honesty, I've been real, real, real, real lucky.
Thank you, god.

1 comment:

Morgan Greaves said...

Love this must be an optimist :) (Is that how you spell that??)