Monday, August 10, 2009

Hi. Can I play with you?

It's sort of a scary feeling when you take a step back and realize all your really great friends have all gone really different ways. I saw it coming and knew it would happen, but now that it's actually happening I'm a little freaked out. I feel like I need to start all over and find new friends who are more like me, like the same things I like, going the same places I'm going, doing the same things I'm doing. How in the world do you make new friends? If only it were like elementary days, "Hi. Can I play with you?"

On an un-related note, my most favorite thing in the world is when my words get twisted and I all the sudden look like the bad guy for something I, in fact, didn't say. Love high school drama.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Uh oh. PS I can be your new friend! *Big smile* :)