"What the heck? They spelled perfectionist wrong."
Then I realized the irony and why it was spelled wrong.
..and then I realized I'm a perfectionist.
It's never too late for New Year's resolutions, right?
My resolution is to be proud of what I'm doing right now.
I am constantly thinking "what's next?" and I forget to congratulate myself on what I have just done or what I'm currently doing.
If I score high on a test, I immediately think about the next test.
I forget to stop and thank myself for a job well done. I forget to be proud of how I am doing now. I am always setting goals and always progressing, but not always living in the now.
I'm a goal setter, a goal achiever, and a perfectionist.
My goal:
Live in the now. Be proud of what I'm currently doing. Currently becoming. What I'm currently achieving, and stop worrying about what's next.
Stop being such a perfectionist.
I am thee exact same way, blah. :/
Sounds great! I need to jump on that train too
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