Friday, February 5, 2010

Library. Nurses. and Old Men.

The most amazing things happen to me when I'm at the library.

Here's the story for today:
Sitting at the table with my face buried in my chemistry book.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I look up to an elderly man.
He smiles and asks me if I'm a student at Weber State.
I nod, and tell him yes. He asks my major and I smile, "nursing".

His face lights up and he says:
"I know what a Nurse does.
I had heart problems and was in the hospital for months.
Nurses make such a difference."

My heart melts and I am reminded why I chose this as my major.
He tells me how much a nurse can change a hospital stay,
for the better or for the worst.

I took it as a challenge to be the nurse to change the experience.
Not for the better, but for the best.
As he leaves me he tells me:
"You are a beautiful person, with a beautiful soul.
You'll make a wonderful nurse."
He thanks me for chatting,
and he leaves me back to my chemistry homework.


P and C said...

Oh my goodness, how sweet! It gave me the chills reading your cute story! You know how my heart melts for the really will be a GREAT nurse Callie!! :)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love when stuff like that happens. I'm sure you know, but it happens ALL the time as a CNA. It's fantabulous :]

Anonymous said...

Awww... That almost made me cry and it didn't even happen to me. He's right though - nurses really do make a hospital stay either good or bad. :)