Thursday, October 7, 2010

Count your Blessings. Name them One by One.

Remember how sometimes I complain about school and stress?
Welp, I take it all back.

Today I was talking to a fellow classmate and this dude is oober positive about life.  He always tells me that things are going to be okay, and that I'll make it out alive.  He always has a smile on his face and he's always doing the very best he can.  

We had a little heart-to-heart today and he told me his story.  He's married and has three boys.  His wife works full time, he works full time, and he goes to school full time.  His wife works graveyards, he works days, and together they split the time watching children.  The only time they see each other is at the train station when they trade kid duty, kiss goodbye, and send one spouse to work while the other returns from work.

Seriously.  This is his life.

Oh yeah, and he has to be out of his house in 9 days and doesn't know where he's going to live.

I asked him how he was holding it together.  Why wasn't he freaking out?  His response: It'll work out.  It always does.

And he smiles.  And he continues to study.

What the crap?
Why have I been complaining of stress?

My life is not even kinda' stressful.
Not even a little bit.

Counting my blessings.
And praying for this dude.

1 comment:

Writer J said...

Makes you wish that everyone had this attitude about life. I wish I did too. I complain way too much, and this guy has a smile on his face regardless of the situation he's in.