Saturday, October 23, 2010

Something to Work On.

I don't really hate anything about me.
But I definitely dislike a thing or two.   

I dislike the fact that I worry.  If someone said to me "let's pack our bags and leave for Europe tomorrow," I would think of a million reasons why I couldn't go.   I've got school, I've got a job, I can't leave my mom.  I don't have enough money, I'm not ready, I don't have a plane ticket.      I rarely live life on the edge and I plan almost everything.  

I hope that maybe, just maybe, I'll grow out of this.
However, I kind-of-sort-of think it's planted in my brain--maybe genetic or something.    Maybe it's something I can work on and maybe Josh will help.   Eh.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go write in my day planner.

1 comment:

Samantha Kay said...

If someone said that to me... I'd be packing within seconds. I'd make my calls and texts and quit my job on the way to the airport. :) that is... If I wanted to go with that person and didn't have something I'd rather be doing. (yes, there are things I would rather do)