Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gas for Dummies.

So, I'm at the gas station getting gas.

I watch this lady fill up her tank while sitting in the drivers seat.   She's texting and talking to some dude across the parking lot and not paying attention.  I watch her start her car and drive away, while the hose is still in her gas tank.    


The hose rips out of her car and she stops her car.  She looks at me in shock and says:  "Oh my gosh.  I've never done that before."

Yeah lady, I definitely hope this is the first time that this has happened.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

I just have to tell you... I logged into my blog, saw you had another post, and tried to tell myself not to read it cause sometimes I like to stock up on Callie blog posts, as stupid as that sounds. I wait a few days and them read it all at once! Haha anyways I saw the first few lines of this one and couldn't resist! I just had to read the rest! You little blogger you! Hilarious post btw