Thursday, April 21, 2011

First Semester of Nursing School.

Blogland, it's me, Callie.
Missed you.

Friends, I finished my first semester of Nursing School.

I just can't even believe that sentence.
I have to read it over and over again.  

And not only did I finish, but I finished with all A's.   A's in Nursing School is something I never even imagined.  I remember being terrified of Nursing School and hearing how unimaginable it was.  I remember hearing that it was difficult and insane amounts of work.  I remember crying to my mom about how scared I was and her telling me that I would be okay

I remember meeting with a nursing counselor and him telling me that my GPA just wasn't high enough to get into the Nursing Program and that I should probably have a backup major in mind.  I remember talking to students who were already in the nursing program and being so envious.  I remember them telling me that they had to apply 3 or 4 times before they ever made it into the program. 

I remember deciding that Nursing was what I wanted to do.  I remember being so confused about what I wanted to be when I grew up and changing my major several different times.  I remember finally picking nursing and I remember the career counselor telling me "Well, you picked the most difficult major on campus."   

I remember getting accepted into Weber State and crying when I got my acceptance letter.  I knew that everyone gets accepted into Weber, but for me to be there and be an official college student was a great accomplishment for me.  I knew nothing about college.  I didn't know how to apply, how to sign up for classes, how to get financial aid, where to park, how to buy books, how to study.  I knew nothing.  But I did it, I figured it out, I survived

I've come so far and I've learned so much.
I've grown as a person.
I've accomplished so many goals.

I've done things that I never thought I could.  I believed in myself when others didn't.  I fought through the discouragements and the disappointments.  I didn't settle for "no".   I didn't settle for my second option.    Nursing is what I wanted and nursing is what I've done. 

I passed my first semester of Nursing School
and I passed with all A's.


Cheyenne Hebert said...

Yay! Congrats :)

Frazzled-Razzle-RN said...

How wonderful Callie Ann, way to go!

Tyson said...

Nice job, Prez! Way to not settle for no. I had a similar experience. People telling me that I would never do this because of all things I was too "FAT". yup, Im serious. And it was even from family. Well, look who's laughing now! 1 down, 3 to go!

Alicia said...

Way to go!!! Congrats on that accomplishment!

Cartoon Characters said...


I felt all the same things and was actually told by the dean of admissions that I couldn't do it....but i did!

Sooooo glad you did it! And - not only DID it but EXCELLED!!!
