Friday, May 27, 2011

Nursing Negatives.

Lately I've been having a serious nursing melt down.
Friends and family have asked me nursing type questions, simple things, and I can't answer them.   I don't know what medication is for.  I don't know what signs and symptoms to watch for with certain diseases.  I can't explain how things work or where things are located.  I don't remember bones or muscles.  Medical terminology has slipped my mind and I don't know anything about anything, really.
What if I'm a terrible nurse?
What if I hate everything about nursing?
What if I'm one of those awful nurses that everyone dreads?
The medical side of nursing has no apeal to me.  I don't really care about medicine and it makes it difficult for me to remember.  What I do care about is patient care.  I LOVE to be the person that patients rely on for help.  I thrive on helping and improving, in pampering and caring for, in loving and nurturing

I could do that kind of care all day, everyday. But to pass pills and check vital signs all day long, definitely not my cup of tea.
What do I do?
What if I hate nursing?
What if I'm an absolutely awful nurse?
I'm S T R E S S I N G out.


Anonymous said...

You were born to be a nurse. You have everything it takes. You care about what's important... being great to your patients. You can always look up what medicine and symptoms. That's what books are for :) But you can't look up how to be a GREAT and caring nurse. Not everyone is cut out for that, but you definitely are. Breathe :)

Amanda Bolton said...

Exactly what Chloe said. Took the words right out of my mouth. You are fabulous Callie and don't ever forget it!

Callie Ann said...

Chloe: That means a lot to me. Thank you. I really appreciate all the nice things you said.

Amanda: Thanks for the support. :) You girls are so nice and already I feel a little better about this nursing dilemma.


Anonymous said...

Not a problem :) I was a CNA for 3 1/2 years. I KNOW what a difference a good nursing staff makes. I was the same way, all about patient care. I think a lot of nurses/CNA's forget that patients are people... with lives, and thoughts, and needs, and wants... they aren't just your job. You're one of those people that make all the difference. There is not enough CNA's or nurses that care, and it makes me really sad.

First Year Nursing Student said...

Callie girl dont fret!!!
If you picked nursing as a career to be able to do the vital sign checks and know all of the symptoms for a disease and bla bla then you picked nursing as a career by mistake. You should have done something more boring like become a doctor . . :D
But you picked nursing as a career for EXACTLY the right reason!! to be able to care and nurture patients in a vulnerable state! Those people make the BEST nurses if u ask me!!
And besides, you are on a summer break and totally consumed in mushy gushy love with your BF!
WHat girl could remember her medications adverse reactions with things like that going on?
It will all start flowing again come august! It is not lost- just on hiatus!