I probably should have done this long before I was baptized, but how can you really read and understand something when you're 8 years old.
And, on an unrelated note, how can you be baptized into a religion at such a young age without knowing what you're making a promise to? I'm not positive I love the idea of baptisms at 8, but I do love being baptized. I wish I could be baptized right now, and forgiven of all my sins at 24. That'd be pleasant. :)
Woah, tangent.
So, I'm reading the Book of Mormon and it's inspiring and encouraging to know these stories and these words that so often I've heard in my life. "You remember the story of Nephi and his struggles..." or "You remember in the book of Moroni...." And I used to just nod and smile, "Yeah, of course I remember those stories." But, no. I had no idea. And now I will, which is very new and exciting for me.
So, I'm starting new. Book of Nephi, chapter 1.
Here we go.
Now, reader, here is your chance. What are some super great scriptures I should read? What is your favorite book? Where do you read your scriptures? Do you have any great scripture reading tools I should invest in?
Definitely the section where king benjamin is speaking up on his tower to his people! :) I think its mosiah maybe? Not sure, but king benjamin is ballin!
I honestly love the Doctrine and Covenants...the whole book! I can't pinpoint a specific favorite part in the Book of Mormon either, I just love reading it slow and marveling in all the miracles that are in that book!
Mosiah 2 is King Benjamin's address to the people. I love how brave Nephi is. Always. I'd suggest keeping a pen and note pad close. Write down when a scripture really sticks out to you, and write about what it made you feel like. ALSO. Sometimes I read the scriptures like it was me writing them.. SO the very first verse says I Nephi having been born of goodly parents therefore... I replace Nephi with my name.. I Jessica having been born of goodly parents. Its awesome to be able to read and apply it to you fully.
Callie -- last year my Stake President gave us the challenge to buy one of the inexpensive blue BOM's and read it a different way then we had before. He challenged us this time to not focus so much on the stories in the book but the patterns in the book. What he said to do was to highlight everytime there was any reference to God and the verb associated with that reference and to do the same for Christ. Reading the BOM this way was an amazing experience. I was able to read if much faster and straight through. It was amazing to see the patterns and simplicity in the scriptures. Maybe tuck this suggestion away for after you finish reading it to do in the future. Also as a sidenote my three most very favorite books outside of the scriptures are Hearing the Voice of the Lord by Gerald N. Lund, The Peacegiver by James L. Ferrell and Believing Christ: The Parable of the Bicycle by Stephen E. Robinson. All three of these books are really easy, simple reads but are life changing. At least for me they were. I have them if you ever want to borrow them or you can get them at the library :)
Oh and one more. My Dad gave me a book titled "Scripture Stories" there isn't an author it just says published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I imagine it is available at the distribution center or Desert Book and the front of it is pale green. It has all the scripture stories in it simplified, probably for primary aged children. I love that book. I read it and look at it all the time. Especially if I read a scripture story that is long and drawn out and kind of confusing I then read the "childrens" version in my book and it makes much more sense. LOVE IT :)
Thank you, ya'll. I'm excited to read all of these and thanks for your kind words and support.
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