Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mormon Message - Feeling Worthy.

Disclaimer:  I almost didn't post this because it's personal and it's close to my heart and it makes me feel super vulnerable.  But, I feel like I need to share so share I will.

I'm stuck somewhere in the middle.
...and that's never a good place to be.

I know that I don't want to go back to the lifestyle that I had.  I know that I am better than that and I know that I want better than that.  I know that I want an eternal family and I want to live happily ever after with my Caden.  I know that I want a family that prays together.  I want to have a wonderful relationship with God.

What I don't know is, well, LOTS of things.   I don't have a strong testimony.  I don't KNOW that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.  I don't KNOW that this church is the only true church.  I don't KNOW that there are three levels in the kingdom of heaven.  I don't KNOW a lot of things.   And because of that, I don't always feel worthy.   I don't feel like I'm a true mormon because I have a weak testimony.  

And because of that, I don't feel worthy of a lot of things.

When I think about them, it's obvious to me that I am, of course, worthy of them.  I deserve them.  I'm living a great life and it's obvious to me that I'm just as worthy as the next gal.   However, my initial response is "I can't have those things."  

Caden and I drove past the temple the other day, and he commented on how pretty it is.  My initial thought was that the temple was off limits.   Because it has been my whole entire life.   I never thought I would be a part of the temple.

Later in the week was the first night of school.  Caden got a blessing from his dad and asked me if I wanted one.  Again, my first thought was that I couldn't have one.   I didn't feel worthy enough.  I didn't feel like I deserved one.

Woah.   Talk about a terrible thing to think.
...and to type out loud.

This feeling was getting to me and bothering me.  I talked to Caden about it and he had the most wonderful words of love and encouragement.  He reminded me that Satan works in the worst of ways and Satan knows how to get to me.  Satan knows my weaknesses and he knows exactly how to break me down. 

Yeah, he totally does.

Caden filled me with all of the words that I needed to hear.   He reminded me that I am a Child of God and I am, infact, completely worthy of all of these things and so much more.  

I now know that I can be a part of something magical
I deserve to be. 
I can be. 
And I will be.

And that is a huge blessing.


Amanda Bolton said...

callie you are amazing! Satan always tries to make me feel unworthy of so many things. It is hard to always remember that we are deserving of everything wonderful thing God has placed on this earth. It's especially hard when we've done things in the past that make it hard for us. you are not alone! Remember that you are always deserving as long as you stay faithful. Love ya girl! So proud of you :)

Becca Hicks said...

Callie, I love reading your blog. Its been in my reader for awhile now. I just wanted to say that we have all been where you are at. That's how testimonies are built, by questioning things like that. You are on the right path and don't ever feel unworthy for a second!

Writer J said...

I'm glad you posted this! And remember that you're always worthy to receive those blessings that God wants you to have--every single one of them :)

LyssaLou said...

Wow Callie, this made me tear up. It's crazy how we seem to go though similiar things at the same time haha. You are worthy and deserve everything. I'm so proud of you and so happy for you that you found such a strong man that deserves you too :)

Kell and Haylee said...

I think that you have a wonderfully strong testimony! To be totally honest everytime I read your blog I feel your testimony strengthens mine a ton. You deserve ALL the best because you are a wonderful person that is doing wonderful things.

pam said...

This is ONE of my many fears for you. I have seen it happen many times. People joining the church and NEVER feeling worthy. How are you judging yourself? What standards are you setting? Let's get back to the basics! Are you honest? Are you trust worthy? How do you treat others? You are one of the MOST Loving, kind, and honest people I know and I would say that even if you weren't my daughter.
Please don't let this change who you are. You have always been very self confident....don't lose that.
Don't be unrealistic...no one is perfect. Just be the BEST Callie that you can be.
I love you and will support you always.

Caden said...

Ya what pam said! :) you are the greatest sweetesy girl in the world and worthy of absolutely ANYTHING that you want in life

f said...

im with your mum! deciding to be LDS/active in the church means certain standards. which of course makes us look really critically at ourselves. at least thats how it seems to me. but we are not perfect. are you doing your best? yes. then you are good. its hard fine line, i think. but if you trying, i think thats what heavenly father wants. and i think that he is much kinder to us than we can be to ourselves. chin up! youre amazing! (i can tell just from reading your blog, obv, haha)