We finally have internet.
BIG success.
I feel like there is so much to blog about that I have been avoiding it like the plague, thinking maybe all these events will slow down and/or go away.
No such luck.
But, truthfully that is good news. That means that big things are happening and life has been exciting, rather than boring and mundane and same-old-same-old. Just means more blogging/journaling for me.
Miss Hazel May is 6 weeks old today.
S I X weeks. Where does the time go? I was trying to remember back to when I had this little gem and it's all a big foggy mess. Thank goodness for blogging. It seems like forever and ever ago, and yet at the same time it feels like it was just yesterday. How can she be growing like a weed and yet I feel like I was just announcing I was pregnant. Sounds like a twilight episode.

This is my little bundle of joy, and I love her more every single day. She sleeps like a champion. She stays up until about 10:30 or 11:00 with me and Caden. Then, we put her in her bouncer and she sleeps until about 11:00am. She wakes every 2-3 hours to eat for about 5 minutes and then immediately falls back to sleep. She never cries, unless she is hungry. She loves her Daddy and smiles the biggest at him. She smiles a little for Mom, but only after her belly is full. She loves to suck on her hands and sleeps with a blanket covering her mouth, just like Mom. She is just now finding her voice and starting to coo and make noises other than a grunt.
It's been fun to watch her grow. And sad, at the same time. I already miss the early newborn stages, but am excited for every milestone she hits. I hope to be better and blogging, so I can remember every itty bitty detail. Here's to hoping.
In other news, Caden and I bought a house the beginning of August. We seem to be quick buyers, with everything we do. When we see something, we buy it. And our house was no different. We made an appointment with realtor who happened to be a family friend. He showed us about 5 houses, and the 6th house was the one we fell in love with. Without hesitation, we went back to his office and placed an offer that very day. After signing a lot of papers and making several phone calls, we were home owners just six weeks later. I was very pregnant and we were very tired of paying rent. So, homeowners was the best option.
The home is conveniently placed 4 minutes from Caden's parents home and 7 minutes from my Mom's. Talk about a blessing. It's got room for 3 children with a big backyard fit for a garden and lots of room to play. Plus, the nursery is already painted chevron. S C O R E. It's absolutely perfect for what we need and I fell head over heels with it the minute we stepped inside.
Here is a shot of how the owners before us had decorated. Those aren't pictures of my family, in case you are wondering. Upstairs, middle level and a basement. Plus, a crawl space that Caden thinks is super neat and I'm terrified to death of. I'm certain that is where the monsters and pedophiles live.
So, basically we are just living the dream. I'm positive there is a big chunk of information and updates that I'm forgetting to blog about. But, this is obviously the most important things.
Here is to being a better blogger.
Now that I have internet, there are no more excuses.