Friday, August 30, 2013

On the Upside.

Today was a better day.  I must have woke up on the right side of the bed, as opposed to yesterday.  Yikes. 

Once in a while I get overwhelmed with my thoughts and silly tasks at hand.  I start to dwell on things I want done right now and most of the time it's a long term goal that can't be fixed instantly.  (Losing weight, growing out my hair, fixing up our new house, etc.).  It just eats at me and bugs me to the point where I have to have a melt down before I can feel better. 

Yesterday was my melt down. 

And, today I'm feeling better.  Of course, those things are still on my mind and still bothering me, but I have moved them to the back burner until I'm ready for them. 

I have to remember to take things day by day, and to not look at the whole picture, but rather what I can accomplish today.  

Some days will be hard, others will be easy. But, I'm taking baby steps to get there.  

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