Friday, June 19, 2009

Burning Love.

I've been reading this blog, about a wonderful woman in a terrible plane crash.
Breaks me heart.
...And reminds me SO much of Josh and his motorcycle accident. Scariest day.

Flashback, down memory lane:
I hadn't seen Josh that day, and I was living in SLC at the time. I get a phone call from him and am excited that he's calling. It's his sister, Megan. She tells me Josh wrecked on his bike and my heart sinks into my stomch. I ask her if he's okay, she tells me he is fine but scratched up a bit. BIG understatement. I tell her I'm on my way and I leave SLC immediatley.

I am doing okay, until I call my mom. I tell her what happens and my eyes fill up with tears. She reminds me that it will be okay, and tells me to drive safe and call her if I need her. I make it to the hospital 10000 hours later, it seems. I pull up to the E.R. and ask for Josh Casper, nurse takes me in the back and points straight down the hall "end of the hall, behind curtain number one."

I start walking. then jogging. then running. I see Josh's sister Tiffany and she tells me to keep my cool, and try not to lose it. I pull back the curtain and there is my Josh. Red eyed, bloody, scratched, almost naked, and missing a knee cap. He sees me and we both start crying. I stand at his bedside, kiss his head and ask if he is okay. He shakes his head no and my heart breaks. I want to make everything okay and all I can do is hold his hand. Terrible feeling. Worse than anything else.

Josh had a fourth degree burn. Someone hit him from behind on his motorcylce and his bike fell ontop of him, with the pipes burning a hole in his knee. He got a skin graph and they did a great job. Amazing to me that they can preform that sort of surgery.

I'll never forget his face when I pulled away the curtain. The way he fought back the tears. The nurses who hit on him in the hospital while he slept. Emptying Josh's pee can each night and each morning. Giving him a sponge bath while he layed on the couch. Feeding him Ramen Noodles. His face as his mom cleaned out his wound.

How tough he was.
And how scared I was.
Never. Ever. Forget.


Writer J said...

I love your description, it's so visual that I can see the true emotions that you felt when you saw him.

By the way, Nie was in a terrible plane accident, not a car accident with her husband. The pilot didn't end up surviving, but Nie and her hubby did.

Callie Ann said...

Shoot. I knew that, I don't know why I typed car crash.

Thanks for the comment.

Brittany said...

Wow. Just WOW.