Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hell. Heaven. And Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson died, big news.
I told Sean about it and he said something to the affect of
"That's what he gets for being a pedophile."
So then we got into this BIG discussion about
murderers and pedophiles and heaven and hell.
HUGE tangent. WAY off the subject.
But it got me thinking.

I really don't believe in hell. all.

Supposedly hell is for murderers,
killers, pedophiles, and shitty people. Right?
Well those shitty people are someones mother, father,
daughter, son, blah blah blah.
I bet those people want their family member in heaven with them.
So why is hell for all of eternity?
Seems like a pretty harsh punishment.

I've done some shitty things in my life and
my mom has never ever ever
sent me to my room for all of eternity,
so why would god send his child to hell?
Doesn't seem just or fair in any sort of way.

Here are my thoughts on hell, and Sean thinks I'm crazy.
Murderers are most likely good people,
who for some reason got into a shitty time of their life and
did a really dumb thing. Agreed.
BUT, eventually they are going to realize they
effed up and God is going to say "Alright, go to your room.
Think about what you've done. Then when you're ready,
let's talk about it and I'll decide if I forgive you."

Just like my mom did to me when I effed up.

Now granted
, my errors were
a lot smaller then murder and incest.
However, I think God is going to
judge us the same as a parent would.
I'm sure we will be punished for the things we did
and I'm positive we will have to sit in our rooms
and think about what we've done. BUT, I really just don't believe
that hell is for all of eternity. In any case.
Not even for the shitty of shitty.

Just my opinion.
Go ahead and share yours, I'm sure you think I'm crazy.


Anonymous said...

Nope, I pretty much agree.

Kelli said...

Good post, Callie. I like it. It made me think. And I'm thinking I agree too.

heisschic said...

well said.

but it's history... people like hitler than make me second guess. or parents that abuse children.

maybe eternity is a long time for a punishment--- but anyone who hurts a child should be sent to their room for a couple thousand years.

mom said...

I beilieve hell is a state of mind and not a place. I believe when these people die they will understand how terrible their crime was and their punishment will be trying to forgive themselves for causing so much pain to others.. I believe God will be able to fogive them.

Callie Ann said...

Well said, Mom. Thanks for clarifying what I was trying to say. :)

Steven said...

I think God will forgive any person, no matter how bad they lived.
You're mom is on the money though... some people will probably never be able to forgive themselves. And THAT is "hell."