Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oh, baby.

I might be having a blonde moment, so correct me if I'm wrong.

Say Sally and Susan got pregnant the same time. Sally has her baby 2 months premature, Susan has her baby after 9 months. Sally's baby is now 2 months ahead of Susan's baby, in the real world. You follow? These little babies should have had their birthday in the same month, but now Sally's baby is 2 months older than Susan's. WIERD. this mind-boggling to anyone else? I making sense?


Brittany said...

This totally makes sense... in a weird way!

Anonymous said...

YOU are a nerd.
Makes sense though.

Callie Ann said...

This TOTALLY blows my mind.

Writer J said...

I can definitely relate to this. I'm two months older than a few of my friends, when in reality I should have been born in the same month as them, or the next month over... and yet my friends should be older than I am.