Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crazy and Possessive.

I L. O. V. E. being single.
LOVE it.

And dating is a hoot to me.
The most random things happen when you're single, like my professor wanting to play matchmaker. WTF.

What I DON'T love is crazy asses who think I'm their girlfriend, and get all crazy wierd and over protective. NEWS FLASH. I'm not your girlfriend.

Here is the story:
Meet boy in Bear Lake. He comes to Ogden, we hang out. Have lots of fun, have lots in common. Plan to hang out again this weekend, on Sunday. He asks why I can't hang out on Saturday and I tell him I already have plans.

Now, here is the crazy part.

He gets PISSED and says something crazy about him not being my number one. UM, Seriously?! I remind him that I'm dating other people, not just him. He tells me he should be my first priority and blah-blah-blah.


Is it possible to meet a normal, nice boy. One who doesn't get crazy possessive, and doesn't want to be a bishop and doesn't drink until they pass out?


T said...

Poor Callie...guys just like you too much! ; )
What did you SAY to him when he DARED say he should be #1??


Anonymous said...

Nope. Sorry. It is just not possible.

Brittany said...

HAHAHA Callie boys are either one extreme or the other. OMG I just laughed for like 5 minutes!

Ashley said...

I am asking myself the same question? If you find any let me know!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh dang that guy again??!! well callie why don't we just get a motel even though i barely met you and we can figure this whole mess out!! ha ha ha loves!