Friday, July 10, 2009

BIG news.

I'm a girl:
...who sits in the sink to do her make-up.
...who is a afraid of the dark.
...who sends, on avearage, 5000 texts per month.
...who has a tatttoo.
...who eats shrimp salad for breakfast.
...who goes to bed at 8:00 when I'm tired.
...who paints her nails once a week.
...who takes 45min-1 hour long showers.
...who doesn't eat very healthy.
...who sees the good in all things and people.
...who does lousy on tests, even if studying for hours.
...who never ever ever ever drives the speedlimit.
...who isn't afraid to pick wedgies in public.
...who cusses like a sailor.
...who gets my feelings hurt.
...and cries during all circumstances and all feelings.
...who budgets my money like a financial advisor.
...who sometimes can't tell time on a face clock.
...with a really loud, really embarrassing laugh.
...who likes to cook, clean and organize.
...who has never had her heart broken.

I'm a girl, who is trying out to be on the Bachelor.
...and a girl who hopes she makes it.


Anonymous said...

You will. No worries. :D

P and C said...

Yay! You are a DARLING girl! I hope you make it too-how fun!

T said...

Woot woot! I'm so excited! : ) You are too cute to not make it!

ps- Are you ready to PARTAY tonight? LOL

Anonymous said...

good luck! i hope you make it and then i will watch it!! yay!