Friday, July 17, 2009

Snooze Fest.

Is it just me, or has my blog gotten really boring lately? Like..really boring. Sean, school and something else lame. That's my life, that's my blog.

Last night, with the Marine boys at Brewski's one of them asked how old I was and I made the mistake of asking that lame "how old do I look?" question and got pretty burned. His response: 25. Holy shit. TWENTY-FIVE? And then he comes back with this number, "you don't look 25, you just act more mature."

For a minute I was really stoked and on my high horse about being really responsible and mature. And then I remembered I was at Brewskis and I'm 22 years old and I should be wild and crazy and doing body shots like a normal 22-year-old.

Guys, let's be honest. Am I old and boring?


Brittany said...

Haha no Callie! That guy is RETARDED. WHo the F thinks you look 25? Someone who is drunk maybe... You are SO not boring. Your blog is not either! There is ALWAYS a new super fun story I can read and giggle or be enlighted from :)

f said...

hey - found you thru mormon bachelor pad - and ive been going back and reading some of your posts. i dont think you are boring :o) so keep writing!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are. :D
Not SUPER lame and boring. But just a little. You sit back and watch and never seem like you REALLY have fun. I know you ENJOY your time... but you don't seem to have fun.
But your blog is not boring. It makes me laugh. & Your life is not boring... you accomplish a lot and have great family and friends and interesting dates. YOU are just slightly boring. TO put it modestly. ha.
I love you Cal.