Thursday, December 9, 2010

The "D" Word.

I have trust issues with men.
I have my entire life.

And just when I feel comfortable and start to trust someone, something happens that makes me scared and run away and again.  Which then makes my trust issues even more severe.

My mom has been divorced twice.
...and now she's going through her third.

And I can't even imagine all the pain she has gone through, all the embarrassment, all the rumors, all the stories, all the trials, and all the forgiving that she's done.  She has been through a drug addict, an alcoholic and a cheater, and she's stuck by for it all.  She's given all three of her marriages 100% and then some, but eventually you have to stand your ground and say enough is enough.

And this time, it's enough.

My mom is incredibly strong.  She stands her ground and she doesn't let anyone tell her how to feel, what to do, or when to do it until she is ready.  And she's ready. 

She's ready to let go.  She's ready to stand up to the embarrassment and pain.  She's ready to be solo and I couldn't be more proud.

She makes me believe every single day that a woman doesn't need a man.  A woman is just as strong solo as she is in a pairAnd that is incredibly inspiring.


Anonymous said...
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Estelle said...

I disagree, Chloe.
I have always considered myself a strong girl, whether I was in a relationship of not. And while it is nice to be in a healthy, loving, supportive relationship; I would much rather be alone than with someone who made me feel weak and taken advantage of.

Jennifer said...

Wow. That's a little harsh ^^^
Kinda cold too.
Just MY opinion :)

Chanse and Janell said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mom Callie.
Much love to your family!

Candie said...

Callie, I love what you wrote. I think we have the neatest and best Mom in the whole world and I love the way that she has raised us to know that we do not need a Man or anyone for that matter to make us strong. She has been threw so much. Most people would not be able to make it threw what she has gone threw, yet she is so very Beautiful and loving and always has a smile on her face, and always has open arms and helps everyone in everyway that she can. I believe that we all have our trials in life..and what we go threw can only make us stronger. We have a very neat family. I love how we are so different, but when times get tuff we all pull together and make it work. I Love you so much Callie and everything will be okay.

Candie said...

Ps...I have to add this..I also think that needing someone like Chloe to be your strength just means that you are weak.

Amanda Bolton said...

Callie! I love you and am sad your mom has gone through so much. My mom had to deal with a cheater and it is so hard. I look up to women who give it all they have but have the courage to stand there own two feet. My mom is SO much better now than before. Love you girl!

LC said...

It takes an incredibly strong and courageous woman to take a stand and do what is best for herself and her family. Somehow it always takes a while to see that. Once you reach that point though, you're on top of the world.
You're Mom sounded pretty amazing before this post, I bet she's pretty close to super woman.
I applaud her being strong.