Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wanna' know why I'm super scared to be a nurse?

Because I'm not very smart.  
I'm book smart, but definitely not common sense smart.

Let me give you an example:
I was snow blowing the driveway the other day and almost chopped off my fingers.   Blower got jammed so I stuck my hand inside by reflex.   Felt the blade, said a few swear words, threw my glove off and thanked my lucky stars that my fingers were still there.   


How am I going to survive nursing school if I can't even plow the driveway?


Estelle said...

Okay Callie. You know I love ya but I have to call bullshit on this one. You are going to be an awesome nurse.
Girl, I know nurses that don't have the freaking sense God gave a box of frozen turnip greens. But guess what? They are good nurses. Do you know why? Because they care about their patients.
Do you have any idea how rare that is? To have a nurse that truly understands and cares about what someone else is going through?
You are going to be an amazing nurse because I can tell by your writing how much you love the people you are taking care of. Even if you do come in a finger or two below average. ;-)

TheSinglesWard said...

Bahaha... we'll still let you bring us warm soup and Sprite when we're sick...

NPO said...

First time I have seen your blog, but as a RN and chasing my masters degree I can tell you a sense of humor in health care is important. Not just while your in school, but when out there practicing your career as well.
You will be a good nurse and this is the time to be in school.

Just be careful of losing your fingers, it makes it really hard to start an IV or do charting.

Robert said...

It occurs to me that in nursing this isn't necessarily an unwanted skill. The ability to stick your hands and fingers places without thinking can take you far...

I am glad you still have all your digits though!