Saturday, December 11, 2010

Debbie Downer.

Friends, thanks for all your kind words and motivation to keep on trucking.   My mom is seriously super hero and each day she impresses me more and more.    My family is one of a kind.  Instead of falling apart during crisis, we fall even closer together.  I couldn't imagine us getting any closer before, but this has definitely made that happen.   I'm oober grateful.

I haven't really grieved or cried about the situation and what's going on.   And maybe I won't.   If you've read my blog long enough, you know that I don't really grieve.  I pull together, I go into auto pilot, and I get through.

So if I seem anti-social, anti-blog, anti-facebook, it's because of this entire ordeal.     ...or because I'm snowboarding, which seems to be super helpful.

Ahhhh, snowboarding.  

Why have I gone so long without you for so many years?

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