Monday, December 27, 2010

Grumpy Goose.

I'm grumpy today.
I feel like at any second I could start crying at the drop of a hat.  I'm not sure what happened or what's making me feel this yucky funk, but I definitely don't like it.

My feelings of trust and closeness is getting more and more bizarre and weird.  Not only am I afraid of love and commitment, I'm now afraid of my family members being in love.  

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. 

Also, I have diagnosed myself with autism.  Looking people in the eyes makes me wicked uncomfortable.  Lights and sounds are way to loud and much too bright.  I don't want to talk to people. I don't want to touch people.  And I just want to be alone for majority of the day.   Autism or depressionYou decide.   I'm rooting for autism.

On a brighter note, I've done loads of boarding and can now spin down the mountain and go off boxesYep, I'm a pro.    Before you know it, I'll have pictures of me and Sean White all over my blog. 


Estelle said...

Oh, sweet Callie, I am so sorry you are in a funk right now. :-( I wish I knew the magic words to say to get you out of what you are feeling because I have been there and I know how much it sucks.

Kaleena J. said...

cheer up!

"change your thoughts and you change your world."