Friday, July 8, 2011

Reminder: I'm doing Great.

So, I'm home just hanging out.
I ordered a pizza and I finished Harry Potter #5.  
And I'm flipping through the channels and stumble across America's Got Talent.

It just so happens to be the episode where judges decide who gets to go to Hollywood and who just didn't quite make the cuts.    Tear Jerker.

So I'm watching and my heart fills with joy every time the judges say "You are going to HOLLYWOOD."    My most favorite part is seeing the contestants face and seeing how dang happy they are.   All of their wildest dreams have come true.  All the doubts they ever had about themselves.  All the times they were told that they weren't good enoughThat's all gone.   Now, all that's left is the pride and the happiness and the confidence that they really can do this.

And then, I'm reminded about the day I got my nursing letter.
And how absolutely incredible that feeling felt.  

No more declines and no more of people telling me that I wasn't good enough or smart enough.   I really am going to be a nurse and I'm well on my way to getting there.   

Somewhere in the hustle and bustle of life, and tests, and studying, and trying to remember everything that is being crammed into my cranium--somwhere I have lost what it felt like to be a part of my dreams.  To actually be living what I've dreamt of.   To actually be achieving and to be accomplishing.

It feels incredible.
and I need to never ever forget that feeling.

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