Post #300.
What a great way
Got a new (pink!) camera.
Some glasses from Cass and T.
Some pajamas from Candie.
Cute shirt from Grandma and Poppie.
$75.00 from iTunes from Grandma and Poppie.
And, a whole heap of love from my really, really great family.
Merry Christmas, ya'll.
Team is defined as you plus a few,
Working together with one job to do.
Whether it’s making a basket or scoring a goal,
Each must do their part, keeping their hands full.
A team works together, a team gets things done.
A team makes the best of things, trying to have fun.
Being a team mate is an important part,
Team mates have a job right from the start.
She has a responsibility, a duty, a role,
She must pull her weight and not leave a hole.
Team work is crucial in any work place,
And important to keep working and keep up the pace.
When working alone a job can be hard,
It can seem complex and the goal is too far,
But with a team, the goal can be met,
And with a team, a new goal can be set.
Achieiving goals and making new,
Is what what teams are supposed to do.
...yet, delicious.