Friday, July 20, 2012

Last Day of School. The End.

Last Tuesday was my last day of real class.   It's a little bitter sweet.   Of course I'm ecstatic to be done with school, I'm ready to graduate and I'm stoked to finally be a real live nurse.  

...but parts of me feels a little bummed that that chapter of my life is over.   Nursing school was a big chunk of something I didn't realize I was taken on.  It consumed my entire life.  My thoughts, my actions, my sleeping schedule, my showering schedule, my family time, my boyfriend/fiance/husband time, and my personality.   It's a journey that has changed my life forever and it lasted an entire two years.   So yeah, I'm a little sad for it to end.  

I've been going to college for seven years.  I've been going to school for twenty.   I've been studying, reading, memorizing, making flashcards, staying up late, waking up early, reviewing, more memorizing, rehearsing, explaining, asking questions, learning, more memorizing, testing, failing, passing, more memorizing, more learning for the past 7 years of my life.   Now it's over and I'm not sure how to be a normal working girl.   I don't know how to work 40 hours a week and then be done.  I don't know how to handle free time or a schedule that doesn't need to be written down day-to-day and planned to the moment.  

I'm not sure I know how to be normal.
...I'm not sure I'm ready for big-kid life.
...I'm not sure I'm ready for school to be over.

1 comment:

pam said...

I hope you are never "normal" you are such a free spirit and I love that about you. I hope you never stop learning, studying and moving forward. You have a wonderful life ahead of you that you so deserve....ENJOY!!