Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mormon Message: Pride Parade.

I know I'm late, but I just read this gem of a post and felt an incredible desire to blog.  This woman makes me feel like she is speaking from my own heart sometimes.  It's bizzare.  And comforting. 

As she blogs, she talkes about the Pride Parade in SLC and the group of LDS members who walked and supported the gay community.   This makes me so happy that I cry.   

I've blogged before that my sister is gay.  She is the most incredible, strong, lovely woman.   I will love and support her always.  I will continue to push for gay rights and I will stand for her and for her rights always.  

My transition into an active mormon was rough on her and rough on me.  How can I believe in a religion that doesn't support my sister life style?  How can I follow a prophet that is telling me my sister is living a sin?  It was hardAnd it still is hard.  And it does some damage on my testimony.    However, after a long talk and a serious heart to heart, I came to realize that my sister is my sister.  She is my family for always.  She is my very best friend and I will continue to love her and continue to support her and her girlfriend for always whether she wants to marry boys, girls or the television set

What an incredible step the church is making in walking in the Pride Parade.  That's a huge step. And it makes me happier than anything ever has.  I feel like I can blend my two worlds.  I can believe in a church and a God that I think is true, and I can love and support my sister and her relationship with her darling girlfriend.  My worlds can mesh and I can breathe easy knowing I don't have to pick a side

 As Stephanie@MormonChildBride said:

"People cheered for us as we walked. People stood on the street crying and thanking us. I cried too. Please forgive us, I thought, for taking so long. Forgive us for moving so slowly. We should have been here all along."

Agreed.  Please forgive us for taking so long.   We should have been here all along.


Paige said...

i can't even imagine how hard that would be for you two. But I do know that our heavenly father loves each and every one of us regardless of our "sins"..whatever they might be. we all have them and all we can do is our best and be kind and loving to one another. you are a great example! xoxo

pam said...

The woman that organized that march in the parade is Erika Munson. She is my hero for stepping up and speaking out.
I watched and waited with much anticipation. This group missed church that day to come and support the Gay community. I was overwhelmed with emotion and tears filled my eyes.
As you know I was concerned how you becoming active in the church and Cassie being gay would affect our family. I have to say I could not be more proud of the two of you as it has not mattered or changed a thing. I love you both so very much!!