Monday, February 21, 2011

Dad in the Cupboard.

My laundry room has weird things that happen.

One day my step-dad was downstairs ironing and came up to the kitchen with a terrified look on his face.  My mom asked what happened and he said, with hestiation, "I was down in the laundry room and I felt someone...rub my back. I turned around and no one was there."    My mom smiled and said, "that happens to me all the time."  

My mom said it's never a scary feeling. She doesn't ever feel like running, or hiding, or getting the hell out.  She feels comforted and it makes her smile.    And it's happened more than once, but only in the laundry room.

Strange, I thought.
Until recently.

My mom was talking to a friend who is pretty familiar with "the other side" and things that can happen.  He asked if there was anything in the laundry room that belonged to anyone from the "other side".   Since it was the laundry room, she thought maybe someone's clothes or hangers or anything we've used. 

Nope, nothing.
But then we remembered.

All the cards and letters my dad has every given my mom are kept in the laundry room cupboard.  The comforter she got for their wedding was in the cupboard.  And, the slides and pictures from when we were young are all in the cupboards.

That strange back rub was from my dad. 
And he's hanging out in the laundry room because that's where his things are.  That's where he feels like he belongs.

Poor guy, hanging out in the cupboards like Harry Potter.
Task for the day: move his belongings to a better, less strange place to hang out.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you be worried that he would stop? That him being so present there would cease by moving his things?

Susan said...

Samantha came into work the other night talking about creepy stuff at her house...and now you?? WEIRD! and yeah I'm kinda creeped out... :( sorry

Kaleena J. said...

whoa! freaky! i would be scared...

LC said...

I'd leave em there, that way you know things won't change.
I bet it's a little refreshing to know that he still thinks about you and wants you to be comforted.