Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10, part 1: First Kiss.

 I'm skipping day 09: How I hope my future will be.   
  That's how I hope it will be. 
No need for an entire post about that. 
I just want it to be wicked awesome. 

Day 10: My first love and first kiss.

Well, this is two different posts.   My first love was definitely not my first kiss, and visa versa.   My first kiss was outside my best friend's house.  She was dating a boy who was about 6 years older than she was.  She had lied about her age and they thought we both were seniors in high school.   ..turns out, we weren't.  

She was "talking" to her boyfriend outside her house.   I was laying on the grass with his friend.  His friend and I were talking non-sense, trying to avoid that fact that our friends were totally mackin' on each other.    All the sudden he leans over me and smooches me.  Definitely without permission, but I definitely didn't stop it.   We kissed for a good while.    Then, they left.  

And I never saw him again.

...maybe I was a shitty kisser.
...maybe he found out I was only 15.
or maybe BOTH.   


Samantha Kay said...

Did you know I dont remember my first kiss? I know I was like sixteen or seventeen. But definitely don't remember who when or where

LC said...

this is too funny. Love it.