Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 11: Shuffled iPod.

Ten Songs on my iPod in random order:

1 - Take Cover by Acceptance.   This song was one I listened to constantly when I was dating Josh #1.  It was my favorite.  Whenever I listen to it, it still reminds me of him and that period of my life.  I'm instantly brought back to that time, those feelings, that era.  Ohhh, memory lane.

2 - Never Had a Friend Like Me from Aladdin.  This song is a BLAST to jam out to.  Even when I'm alone in my car.  If I'm having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, I just turn on Disney.  Blues go out the window.

3 - Do I by Luke Bryan.   This song makes me W I C K E D sad.  I used to listen to this song when I was on the rocks with Josh #2.   It's a super sad break up song.   WARNING -- Don't listen to it when you have a broken heart or doubting your relationship. 

4 - Show Down by Britney Spears.  This song reminds me of high school, or shortly after high school.  I used to listen to this in my little red car and think I was super bad ass.  It's got a good beat and instantly makes me want to go out and boogy.

5 - Come Together by Pink.  SO happy that this song came onto my shuffle list. This was my theme song in high school.   "When me and my friends go walking down the street, seems we can't go ANYWHERE without a car that goes BEEP! BEEP!"   Again, I thought I was super bad ass.

6 - All Mixed Up by 311.  This song makes me want to go boarding for hours and hours, smoke huka and drink a lot of beer.  It's got such a chill vibe and I instantly feel like a hippy without a care in the world.

7 - Never Know by Jack Johnson.  There was a good period in my life when I listened to nothing but Jack Johnson.  When I was working with disabled adults, me and my schizophrenic client would go for car rides and drink sprite while listening to Jack Johsnon.  Nothing made him more happy.  

8 - Christmas Shoes.  This is my most favorite Christmas song, ever.   Best message.  Makes me cry every single time.

9 - Flicks by Frou Frou. Anything by Frou Frou takes me back to the year after I graudated.  It was a confusing time in my life.  I was trying to pick a major, I didn't know what I wanted, where I was going, who I was.  It was my "Who Am I??" phase.  I'm not sure why Frou Frou reminds me of this time, but I must have listened to her a bunch.

10 - Make Me Believe by Sugarland.   Ahhhh, Sugarland.  She was bound to come up on the shuffle.  Sugarland is my most favorite band.  I love them.  I love everything about her songs, her music, her voice, her.  She's definitely on my hottie list.  For sure.

1 comment:

Estelle said...

The fact that you have Disney music on your iPod makes me love you even more...if that were possible. :)