Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 03: Drugs and Alcohol.

I'm skipping day 02. 
We all know where I'd like to be in 10 years
Married. Kids. RN. Traveling.   
Yes, please.   

Day 03:View on Drugs and Alcohol.

Well, I drink.  ...probably more than I should.  Recently I went boarding with my cute sisters and I drank way more than I should have and had a super embarrassing experience.  That was a good wake-up call for me and I'm learning that maybe I should take a little breather.  Maybe I should steer clear of the hard alcohol.  Beer is my friend, vodka is not. 

My dad was an alcholic.  He also did drugs.
Because of his addiction, he took his own life.  He wasn't able to overcome it.  
I don't like drugs.  I don't like to talk about drugs.  I don't like to see drugs.
It scares me All of it.  It makes my heart pound and my palms get sweaty.

Not my thing.
Not even kinda.

1 comment:

Shay said...

Drugs are a scary thing. My dad is a hardcore meth addict. I cut all ties with him some time before Rubi was born. I suffered 21 years of nothing but emotional pain and disappointment from him, and my daughters don't need to go through that as well. I hope it causes him an immense amount of pain that because he chose drugs over me, he will never see or know his granddaughters.
I'm really sorry about your dad.