Sunday, January 30, 2011

Catchup. Castup. Ketchup.

I'm currently wearing ted hose.  Nurse's say it will make my feet not hurt so bad after two 12 hour shifts, back to back.  ...think I just need some new shoes, but I'm attempting this remedy first.

School is cool.  I feel like I'm in CNA school all over again.  I'm learning things that are not even a little bit interesting to me, and I spend a good chunk of class time on facebook.   Definitely not learning.   Can we move on to second semester, please?

My phone has pre-made bookmarks on my internet.  Things like, the news, the weather channel, stocks, and other oober boring things.  So, I changed them to facebook, blogger, and Texts From Last NightMuch more appropriate.  

ANNNND, last of all.  I found a wonderful tax man.  He got me $1600 back for this year. That's a big fat sigh of relief.   Goodbye to the silly credit card debt, and hello to some new jeans, shoes, and school supplies.   Oh, how I LOVE school supplies.  EEEEEK!

1 comment:

Frazzled-Razzle-RN said...

I'm learning a bunch of CNA stuff all over again too. How much time are we gonna spend on these skills?