Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From C's to A's.

I totally nailed my fundamentals test today.
93% is a happy score for me.   Thank the heavens.

It's tiresome though.   I feel like I'm always sleepy.
I sleep in.  I go to bed early.  I take naps. 
Sleep. Always.

But, I'm getting the hang of things.  I'm figuring out the system I'm learning.  I'm making friends.  I'm jumping through the hoops.  

...and I'm kinda' digging it.   

Three weeks down, nine to go.


Frazzled-Razzle-RN said...

Wow 3 weeks down and 9 to go, well good job Callie! I fear my grades will go from A's and B's to C's easily, I'm a terrible test taker and I tend to study things that weren't even tested. Keep up the good work.

Michele said...

Callie, you are amazing! Way to go on the final.

Estelle said...

YAY!!! Congrats on the awesome grade, Callie love. :)