Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I've got some issues from my past.
If you've read my blog long enough, you already know.
These issues involve my dad.

But, I've found a place where I think I can deal with all these issues and finally put them to rest.  I went tonight, just for an intro, and I already feel an incredible lift off my shoulders.  I've found a place where I feel safe and secure, where no one will judge me, and where people can relate.  I found a place where others are hurting too, where others are seeking help.  I feel safe here, and I feel like I can share my story here.

I'm excited about this.
Really, really excited.

I already feel more positive, more driven, more optimistic.   And all I did was listen.   I didn't have to share or do anything that made me uncomfortable.  

I just listened.   

Ohhh, the possibilities when I actually participate.
When I actually share.  When I actually open up.

SO ready to let this go.
SO ready to start fresh.

So ready.


Kaleena J. said...

well good! :) i'm glad to hear this.

hope you have a great rest of the week.

Frazzled-Razzle-RN said...

Wonderful! Getting support is amazingly helpful even if all you ever do is listen, but something tells me with your bubbly personality you'll feel okay with speaking up and sharing soon. So good for you for making such a hard decision to get to a place for help.