Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stressing. Organizing. and Drugs.

I have three exams and a presentation in two days.
They crammed all that bull shit into TWO days.

So, of course, I'm stressing.
But instead of actually studying, I just ponder how I don't have time to study.  I stew about how overwhelmed I feel.  I make lists on top of listsI organize.  I make calendars.  I plan out my day hour to hour.  I spend so much time organizing time to study, that I don't actually get any studying done. 

Anyone else do this?
Am I a crazy person?

....and on top of all the school organizing I'm doing, I'm wanting to clean and organize everything else around me.  My car, the bathroom, my room, my house.   It's like my OCD is ten fold when I'm stressed.  The things that didn't bother me before, like a stack of papers in the computer room, now consume my thoughts.

Uhhh, xanax prescription to share? Anyone?


Unknown said...

Throw on some music!...layout your study material on your bed. Clean, organize, do whatever to get you pumped. Save the last hour before you go to bed to study :) Works every time!

Estelle said...

Callie, my love, you are preaching to the choir.
I know exactly what you mean. I have had days before my big exams when I have freaked out and started crying about a spot of tooth paste on the bathroom mirror.
Little things that should not bother you start to when you are stressed. My advice? Get out of the house to study. Go to the library, Starbucks, the back seat of your car. Doesn't matter where. Just away from the bedroom and kitchen where you will be tempted to scrub the floors on your hands and knees.

By the way, sweetie, you are going to kick some ass on those exams. ;)

Shay said...

If you find xanax, please share. LOL. This new antidepressant i'm on gives me mega anxiety (but controls the depression taking the good with the bad), and I'm having panic attacks up the "heezy"...whatever that means.

Brittany said...

Callie I SO FEEL the same way. Especially getting off at six every other night, trying to cook dinner, keeping the house clean, wondering when I will get to vaccuum my car... UGH! You aren't crazY unless I am :) I like Cassie's comment. Music and organizing before seems to calm me down and help me focus.

pam said...

Excuse me??? organize MY house??

It's just me :) said...

I feel that exact same way right now. I have been spending so much time getting organized for Nursing School that my organization is making me fall behind. UGH!! If you figure out how to snap out of it let me know.