Saturday, January 22, 2011

Notes from Dad.

I have always believed in the spirit world, and always believed if you were in touch with "the other side" they would be able to show themselves more.  It's happened much too often in my family for me not to believe it.

But, it didn't ever really happen to me.

...until recently.

I changed my mind set, I've allowed myself to feel.   I've opened my heart.  I've concentrated on grieving, and since then, I feel like more and more things are happening.

This isn't like the movie Sixth Sense, guys. 
Don't freak out. 
I'm not a crazy person.

I've just felt my dad.  He's in my life and he's making his presence known.

For example: today I was comparing notes with my patient, talking about where we grew up and such.  Turns out he knows my grandpa.  So I feel like that's a pretty neat bond and I go about the rest of the day feeling pretty stellar that my patient knows my family.    A few hours pass and my patient randomly says "Actually, his son Kent was my age."    And my heart skipped a beat.    My dad and my patient grew up together.   This may be a silly little coincidence, but it made me smile and my heart got mushy.    As I'm telling my patient goodbye he says "You know, I see a lot of your Dad in you.  He was a good guy."    That's my dad, he's making his presence known.

Later that same day I went to a high school reunion.  It was graduating classes of all years, and I sat with my mom and her friends.   Her friend randomly leans over to me and say "You look SO much like your dad.  I can see him in you."   

There he is again, making his presence.
Makes me super melty.

Hey dad, it's good to hear from you.
Let's do this again, real soon.


Estelle said...

Hey chickadee. This post totally made me cry. :( My dad passed when I was 16 [it'll be 7 years in August]. And I would give anything to have him back in my life.
I am glad you can feel your dad around you. It is something every girl needs.

Kaleena J. said...

This post is kind of sad :( But it's good that you have been feeling him near..

pam said...

awww Callie, made me cry. He is all around you and like you said you just have to open yourself up to see and feel him.
You do look a lot like him.

Unknown said...

Callie Ann,
I have always told you that your Dad was always with you. You are more and more like him everyday. I hope and I pray that you will alwasy feel him close to you as I have felt him with me. I hope your memories continue to grow as he comes to you in private. I love you babe girl